Getting Started With BESREMi®

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Getting Started With BESREMi®

BESREMi® is an injectable at-home treatment that you
administer just once every 2 weeks.

Your doctor will prescribe BESREMi® through a specialty pharmacy, and your first prescription will be shipped directly to your home.

Always check with your doctor before taking BESREMi to make sure that you are taking the correct dose.


The BESREMi syringe is shown here (not actual size). The needle is as thin as a strand of hair.


Be prepared to talk with your doctor about BESREMi. Download the Doctor Discussion Guide now.

What you should know

what you should know

Learning how to use it

You can learn how to give yourself a BESREMi® injection from:

  • A PharmaEssentia SOURCE Case Manager
  • A specialty pharmacy nurse
  • Your doctor’s office


The BESREMi® carton containing the prefilled syringe and needle should be stored in the refrigerator from 36°F to 46°F (2°C to 8°C).

starting dose

Starting dose

Before injecting BESREMi®, it’s important to know your dosage. Your doctor will tell you how much BESREMi® to inject.

The recommended starting dosage of BESREMi® is 100 micrograms (or 50 micrograms in patients currently taking hydroxyurea [HU]) every 2 weeks.


Continuing treatment

Once you start BESREMi, your doctor may increase your prescribed dose until your blood cell counts are stable.

After maintaining stable blood levels for 1 year, your doctor may reduce your dosing to once every 4 weeks.

View the BESREMi Instructions for Use video showing how to give yourself a BESREMi injection.


You can also download step-by-step injection instructions.

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You can also download step-by-step injection instructions.

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When you start BESREMi®, you can enroll in PharmaEssentia SOURCE, which offers personalized patient support. You’ll receive a Welcome Kit that includes helpful tools and information to start your BESREMi® treatment.

Our PharmaEssentia SOURCE Case Managers Are Here for You


We understand that, at first, you may feel a little nervous about injecting BESREMi®. Our goal is to help make you feel as comfortable as possible. One of our PharmaEssentia SOURCE Nurses can walk you through the injection process step by step.


Speak with a PharmaEssentia SOURCE Case Manager by calling 800-700-5053 between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday.

You can also visit for more information.

PharmaEssentia SOURCE can help you get started with BESREMi. Learn More
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